Writing your own modules

For the first time ever, in YARA 3.0 you can extend its features to express more complex and refined conditions. YARA 3.0 does this by employing modules, which you can use to define data structures and functions, which can be later used from within your rules. You can see some examples of what a module can do in the Using modules section.

The purpose of the following sections is to teach you how to create your own modules for giving YARA that cool feature you always dreamed of.

The "Hello World!" module

Modules are written in C and built into YARA as part of the compiling process. In order to create your own modules you must be familiar with the C programming language and how to configure and build YARA from source code. You don't need to understand how YARA does its magic; YARA exposes a simple API for modules, which is all you need to know.

The source code for your module must reside in the libyara/modules directory of the source tree. It's recommended to use the module name as the file name for the source file, if your module's name is foo its source file should be foo.c.

In the libyara/modules directory you'll find a demo.c file we'll use as our starting point. The file looks like this:

#include <yara/modules.h>

#define MODULE_NAME demo




int module_initialize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

int module_finalize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)
  yr_set_string("Hello World!", module_object, "greeting");

int module_unload(
    YR_OBJECT* module_object)


Let's start dissecting the source code so you can understand every detail. The first line in the code is:

#include <yara/modules.h>

The modules.h header file is where the definitions for YARA's module API reside, therefore this include directive is required in all your modules. The second line is:

#define MODULE_NAME demo

This is how you define the name of your module and is also required. Every module must define its name at the start of the source code. Module names must be unique among the modules built into YARA.

Then follows the declaration section:




Here is where the module declares the functions and data structures that will be available for your YARA rules. In this case we are declaring just a string variable named greeting. We are going to discuss these concepts in greater detail in the The declaration section.

After the declaration section you'll find a pair of functions:

int module_initialize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

int module_finalize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

The module_initialize function is called during YARA's initialization while its counterpart module_finalize is called while finalizing YARA. These functions allow you to initialize and finalize any global data structure you may need to use in your module.

Then comes the module_load function:

int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)
  set_string("Hello World!", module_object, "greeting");

This function is invoked once for each scanned file, but only if the module is imported by some rule with the import directive. The module_load function is where your module has the opportunity to inspect the file being scanned, parse or analyze it in the way preferred, and then populate the data structures defined in the declarations section.

In this example the module_load function doesn't inspect the file content at all, it just assigns the string, "Hello World!" to the variable greeting declared before.

And finally, we have the module_unload function:

int module_unload(
    YR_OBJECT* module_object)

For each call to module_load there is a corresponding call to module_unload. This function allows your module to free any resource allocated during module_load. There's nothing to free in this case, so the function just returns ERROR_SUCCESS. Both module_load and module_unload should return ERROR_SUCCESS to indicate that everything went fine. If a different value is returned the scanning will be aborted and an error reported to the user.

Building our "Hello World!"

Modules are not magically built into YARA just by dropping their source code into the libyara/modules directory, you must follow two further steps in order to get them to work. The first step is adding your module to the module_list file also found in the libyara/modules directory.

The module_list file looks like this:



You must add a line MODULE(<name>) with the name of your module to this file. In our case the resulting module_list is:




The second step is modifying the Makefile.am to tell the make program that the source code for your module must be compiled and linked into YARA. At the very beginning of libyara/Makefile.am you'll find this:

MODULES =  libyara/modules/tests/tests.c
MODULES += libyara/modules/pe/pe.c

MODULES += libyara/modules/cuckoo/cuckoo.c

Just add a new line for your module:

MODULES =  libyara/modules/tests/tests.c
MODULES += libyara/modules/pe/pe.c

MODULES += libyara/modules/cuckoo/cuckoo.c

MODULES += libyara/modules/demo/demo.c

And that's all! Now you're ready to build YARA with your brand-new module included. Just go to the source tree root directory and type as always:

sudo make install

Now you should be able to create a rule like this:

import "demo"

rule HelloWorld
        demo.greeting == "Hello World!"

Any file scanned with this rule will match the HelloWord because demo.greeting == "Hello World!" is always true.

The declaration section

The declaration section is where you declare the variables, structures and functions that will be available for your YARA rules. Every module must contain a declaration section like this:


    <your declarations here>


Basic types

Within the declaration section you can use declare_string(<variable name>), declare_integer(<variable name>) and declare_float(<variable name>) to declare string, integer, or float variables respectively. For example:





Floating-point variables require YARA version 3.3.0 or later.

Variable names can't contain characters other than letters, numbers and underscores. These variables can be used later in your rules at any place where an integer or string is expected. Supposing your module name is "mymodule", they can be used like this:

mymodule.foo > 5

mymodule.bar matches /someregexp/


Your declarations can be organized in a more structured way:













In this example we're using begin_struct(<structure name>) and end_struct(<structure name>) to delimit two structures named some_structure and another_structure. Within the structure delimiters you can put any other declarations you want, including another structure declaration. Also notice that members of different structures can have the same name, but members within the same structure must have unique names.

When referring to these variables from your rules it would be like this:



In the same way you declare individual strings, integers, floats or structures, you can declare arrays of them:







Individual values in the array are referenced like in most programming languages:


Arrays are zero-based and don't have a fixed size, they will grow as needed when you start initializing its values.


New in version 3.2.0.

You can also declare dictionaries of integers, floats, strings, or structures:







Individual values in the dictionary are accessed by using a string key:



One of the more powerful features of YARA modules is the possibility of declaring functions that can be later invoked from your rules. Functions must appear in the declaration section in this way:

declare_function(<function name>, <argument types>, <return tuype>, <C function>);

<function name> is the name that will be used in your YARA rules to invoke the function.

<argument types> is a string containing one character per function argument, where the character indicates the type of the argument. Functions can receive four different types of arguments: string, integer, float and regular expression, denoted by characters: s, i, f and r respectively. If your function receives two integers <argument types> must be "ii", if it receives an integer as the first argument and a string as the second one <argument types> must be "is", if it receives three strings and a float <argument types> must be "sssf".

<return type> is a string with a single character indicating the return type. Possible return types are string ("s") integer ("i") and float ("f").

<C function> is the identifier for the actual implementation of your function.

Here you have a full example:

  int64_t a = integer_argument(1);
  int64_t b = integer_argument(2);

  return_integer(a + b);

  double a = float_argument(1);
  double b = float_argument(2);

  return_integer(a + b);


    declare_function("sum", "ii", "i", sum);


As you can see in the example above, your function code must be defined before the declaration section, like this:

define_function(<function identifier>)
  ...your code here

Functions can be overloaded as in C++ and other programming languages. You can declare two functions with the same name as long as they differ in the type or number of arguments. One example of overloaded functions can be found in the Hash module, it has two functions for calculating MD5 hashes, one receiving an offset and length within the file and another one receiving a string:


    declare_function("md5", "ii", "s", data_md5);
    declare_function("md5", "s", "s", string_md5);


We are going to discuss function implementation more in depth in the More about functions section.

Initialization and finalization

Every module must implement two functions for initialization and finalization: module_initialize and module_finalize. The former is called during YARA's initialization by yr_initialize() while the latter is called during finalization by yr_finalize(). Both functions are invoked whether or not the module is being imported by some rule.

These functions give your module an opportunity to initialize any global data structure it may need, but most of the time they are just empty functions:

int module_initialize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

int module_finalize(
    YR_MODULE* module)

Any returned value different from ERROR_SUCCESS will abort YARA's execution.

Implementing the module's logic

Besides module_initialize and module_finalize every module must implement two other functions which are called by YARA during the scanning of a file or process memory space: module_load and module_unload. Both functions are called once for each scanned file or process, but only if the module was imported by means of the import directive. If the module is not imported by some rule neither module_load nor module_unload will be called.

The module_load function has the following prototype:

int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)

The context argument contains information relative to the current scan, including the data being scanned. The module_object argument is a pointer to a YR_OBJECT structure associated with the module. Each structure, variable or function declared in a YARA module is represented by a YR_OBJECT structure. These structures form a tree whose root is the module's YR_OBJECT structure. If you have the following declarations in a module named mymodule:







Then the tree will look like this:

YR_OBJECT(type=OBJECT_TYPE_STRUCT, name="mymodule")
 |_ YR_OBJECT(type=OBJECT_TYPE_INTEGER, name="foo")
 |_ YR_OBJECT(type=OBJECT_TYPE_STRUCT, name="bar")
     |_ YR_OBJECT(type=OBJECT_TYPE_STRING, name="baz")

Notice that both bar and mymodule are of the same type OBJECT_TYPE_STRUCT, which means that the YR_OBJECT associated with the module is just another structure like bar. In fact, when you write in your rules something like mymodule.foo you're performing a field lookup in a structure in the same way that bar.baz does.

In summary, the module_object argument allows you to access every variable, structure or function declared by the module by providing a pointer to the root of the objects tree.

The module_data argument is a pointer to any additional data passed to the module, and module_data_size is the size of that data. Not all modules require additional data, most of them rely on the data being scanned alone, but a few of them require more information as input. The Cuckoo module is a good example of this, it receives a behavior report associated with PE files being scanned which is passed in the module_data and module_data_size arguments.

For more information on how to pass additional data to your module take a look at the -x argument in Running YARA from the command-line.

Accessing the scanned data

Most YARA modules need to access the file or process memory being scanned to extract information from it. The data being scanned is sent to the module in the YR_SCAN_CONTEXT structure passed to the module_load function. The data is sometimes sliced in blocks, therefore your module needs to iterate over the blocks by using the foreach_memory_block macro:

int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)
    YR_MEMORY_BLOCK* block;

    foreach_memory_block(context, block)
        ..do something with the current memory block

Each memory block is represented by a YR_MEMORY_BLOCK structure with the following attributes:


Pointer to a function returning a pointer to the block's data.

size_t size

Size of the data block.

size_t base

Base offset/address for this block. If a file is being scanned this field contains the offset within the file where the block begins, if a process memory space is being scanned this contains the virtual address where the block begins.

The blocks are always iterated in the same order as they appear in the file or process memory. In the case of files the first block will contain the beginning of the file. Actually, a single block will contain the whole file's content in most cases, but you can't rely on that while writing your code. For very big files YARA could eventually split the file into two or more blocks, and your module should be prepared to handle that.

The story is very different for processes. While scanning a process memory space your module will definitely receive a large number of blocks, one for each committed memory region in the process address space.

However, there are some cases where you don't actually need to iterate over the blocks. If your module just parses the header of some file format you can safely assume that the whole header is contained within the first block (put some checks in your code nevertheless). In those cases you can use the first_memory_block macro:

int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)
    YR_MEMORY_BLOCK* block;
    const uint8_t* block_data;

    block = first_memory_block(context);
    block_data = block->fetch_data(block)

    if (block_data != NULL)
      ..do something with the memory block

In the previous example you can also see how to use the fetch_data function. This function, which is a member of the YR_MEMORY_BLOCK structure, receives a pointer to the same block (as a self or this pointer) and returns a pointer to the block's data. Your module doesn't own the memory pointed to by this pointer, freeing that memory is not your responsibility. However keep in mind that the pointer is valid only until you ask for the next memory block. As long as you use the pointer within the scope of a foreach_memory_block you are on the safe side. Also take into account that fetch_data can return a NULL pointer, your code must be prepared for that case.

const uint8_t* block_data;

foreach_memory_block(context, block)
  block_data = block->fetch_data(block);

  if (block_data != NULL)
    // using block_data is safe here.

// the memory pointed to by block_data can be already freed here.

Setting variable's values

The module_load function is where you assign values to the variables declared in the declarations section, once you've parsed or analyzed the scanned data and/or any additional module's data. This is done by using the set_float, set_integer, and set_string functions:

void set_float(double value, YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)
void set_integer(int64_t value, YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)
void set_string(const char* value, YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)

These functions receive a value to be assigned to the variable, a pointer to a YR_OBJECT representing the variable itself or some ancestor of that variable, a field descriptor, and additional arguments as defined by the field descriptor.

If we are assigning the value to the variable represented by object itself, then the field descriptor must be NULL. For example, assuming that object points to a YR_OBJECT structure corresponding to some integer variable, we can set the value for that integer variable with:

set_integer(<value>, object, NULL);

The field descriptor is used when you want to assign the value to some descendant of object. For example, consider the following declarations:









If object points to the YR_OBJECT associated with the foo structure you can set the value for the bar string like this:

set_string(<value>, object, "bar");

And the value for qux like this:

set_integer(<value>, object, "baz.qux");

Do you remember that the module_object argument for module_load was a pointer to a YR_OBJECT? Do you remember that this YR_OBJECT is a structure just like bar is? Well, you could also set the values for bar and qux like this:

set_string(<value>, module_object, "foo.bar");
set_integer(<value>, module_object, "foo.baz.qux");

But what happens with arrays? How can I set the value for array items? If you have the following declarations:







Then the following statements are all valid:

set_integer(<value>, module, "foo[0]");
set_integer(<value>, module, "foo[%i]", 2);
set_string(<value>, module, "bar[%i].baz", 5);
set_string(<value>, module, "bar[0].qux[0]");
set_string(<value>, module, "bar[0].qux[%i]", 0);
set_string(<value>, module, "bar[%i].qux[%i]", 100, 200);

Those %i in the field descriptor are replaced by the additional integer arguments passed to the function. This works in the same way as printf in C programs, but the only format specifiers accepted are %i and %s, for integer and string arguments respectively.

The %s format specifier is used for assigning values to a certain key in a dictionary:

set_integer(<value>, module, "foo[\"key\"]");
set_integer(<value>, module, "foo[%s]", "key");
set_string(<value>, module, "bar[%s].baz", "another_key");

If you don't explicitly assign a value to a declared variable, array or dictionary item it will remain in an undefined state. That's not a problem at all, and is even useful in many cases. For example, if your module parses files from a certain format and it receives one from a different format, you can safely leave all your variables undefined instead of assigning them bogus values that don't make sense. YARA will handle undefined values in rule conditions as described in Using modules.

In addition to the set_float, set_integer, and set_string functions, you have their get_float, get_integer, and get_string counterparts. As the names suggest, they are used for getting the value of a variable, which can be useful in the implementation of your functions to retrieve values previously stored by module_load.

double get_float(YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)
int64_t get_integer(YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)
SIZED_STRING* get_string(YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)

There's also a function to get any YR_OBJECT in the objects tree:

YR_OBJECT* get_object(YR_OBJECT* object, const char* field, ...)

Here is a little exam...

Are the following two lines equivalent? Why?

set_integer(1, get_object(module_object, "foo.bar"), NULL);
set_integer(1, module_object, "foo.bar");

Storing data for later use

Sometimes the information stored directly in your variables by means of set_integer and set_string is not enough. You may need to store more complex data structures or information that doesn't need to be exposed to YARA rules.

Storing information is essential when your module exports functions to be used in YARA rules. The implementation of these functions usually require to access information generated by module_load which must kept somewhere. You may be tempted to define global variables to store the required information, but this would make your code non-thread-safe. The correct approach is using the data field of the YR_OBJECT structures.

Each YR_OBJECT has a void* data field which can be safely used by your code to store a pointer to any data you may need. A typical pattern is using the data field of the module's YR_OBJECT, like in the following example:

typedef struct _MY_DATA
   int some_integer;


int module_load(
    YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context,
    YR_OBJECT* module_object,
    void* module_data,
    size_t module_data_size)
    module->data = yr_malloc(sizeof(MY_DATA));
    ((MY_DATA*) module_object->data)->some_integer = 0;

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;

Don't forget to release the allocated memory in the module_unload function:

int module_unload(
    YR_OBJECT* module_object)

    return ERROR_SUCCESS;


Don't use global variables for storing data. Functions in a module can be invoked from different threads at the same time and data corruption or misbehavior can occur.

More about functions

We already showed how to declare a function in The declaration section. Here we are going to discuss how to provide an implementation for them.

Function arguments

Within the function's code you get its arguments by using integer_argument(n), float_argument(n), regexp_argument(n), string_argument(n) or sized_string_argument(n) depending on the type of the argument, where n is the 1-based argument's number.

string_argument(n) can be used when your function expects to receive a NULL-terminated C string, if your function can receive arbitrary binary data possibly containing NULL characters you must use sized_string_argument(n).

Here you have some examples:

int64_t arg_1 = integer_argument(1);
RE* arg_2 = regexp_argument(2);
char* arg_3 = string_argument(3);
SIZED_STRING* arg_4 = sized_string_argument(4);
double arg_5 = float_argument(1);

The C type for integer arguments is int64_t, for float arguments is double, for regular expressions is RE*, for NULL-terminated strings is char* and for strings possibly containing NULL characters is SIZED_STRING*. SIZED_STRING structures have the following attributes:


String's length.


char* pointing to the string content.

Return values

Functions can return three types of values: strings, integers and floats. Instead of using the C return statement you must use return_string(x), return_integer(x) or return_float(x) to return from a function, depending on the function's return type. In all cases x is a constant, variable, or expression evaluating to char*, int64_t or double respectively.

You can use return_string(YR_UNDEFINED), return_float(YR_UNDEFINED) and return_integer(YR_UNDEFINED) to return undefined values from the function. This is useful in many situations, for example if the arguments passed to the functions don't make sense, or if your module expects a particular file format and the scanned file is from another format, or in any other case where your function can't a return a valid value.


Don't use the C return statement for returning from a function. The returned value will be interpreted as an error code.

Accessing objects

While writing a function we sometimes need to access values previously assigned to the module's variables, or additional data stored in the data field of YR_OBJECT structures as discussed earlier in Storing data for later use. But for that we need a way to get access to the corresponding YR_OBJECT first. There are two functions to do that: module() and parent(). The module() function returns a pointer to the top-level YR_OBJECT corresponding to the module, the same one passed to the module_load function. The parent() function returns a pointer to the YR_OBJECT corresponding to the structure where the function is contained. For example, consider the following code snippet:

    YR_OBJECT* module = module();
    YR_OBJECT* parent = parent();

    // parent == module;

    YR_OBJECT* module = module();
    YR_OBJECT* parent = parent();

    // parent != module;


    declare_function("f1", "i", "i", f1);


        declare_function("f2", "i", "i", f2);



In f1 the module variable points to the top-level YR_OBJECT as well as the parent variable, because the parent for f1 is the module itself. In f2 however the parent variable points to the YR_OBJECT corresponding to the foo structure while module points to the top-level YR_OBJECT as before.

Scan context

From within a function you can also access the YR_SCAN_CONTEXT structure discussed earlier in Accessing the scanned data. This is useful for functions which needs to inspect the file or process memory being scanned. This is how you get a pointer to the YR_SCAN_CONTEXT structure:

YR_SCAN_CONTEXT* context = scan_context();